Breast Reduction or Reshaping

Many women endure daily discomfort and activity limitation because their breasts are overly large; this can be fixed with a breast reduction or reshaping. For some, large breasts are genetic; one or more family members may have had the same problem.
Others may develop disproportionately large breasts with weight gain, hormonal change, or aging. Symptoms can include:

  • Shoulder, back, and neck pain.
  • Shoulder grooving and rashes under the breasts.
  • Poor posture.
  • Difficulty finding clothes that fit well.
  • Limitations in activities such as running or working out.
  • A “matronly appearance” women may feel is unattractive.
  • Self-consciousness from the attention their breasts draw.

Breast reduction or reshaping surgery can address these issues and help in cases where diet and exercise may have failed. As a plastic surgeon, I use the procedure not just to reduce the size of the breasts but also to create the most attractive appearance possible.


This 54-year-old woman had large breasts and many of the usual symptoms, including neck and back pain, shoulder grooving, and poor posture. She felt “thick around the middle” and disliked her matronly appearance. Activity limitation was significant. She chose a breast reduction with reshaping as she wanted a nice shape, not just smaller breasts.

Left: 54 year old before surgery. Right: 54 year old six weeks following a breast reduction with reshaping by Dr. Duncan.

View Additional Breast Reduction and Reshaping Before & Afters in Our Gallery

What to Expect

My Approach to Breast Reduction or Reshaping

The breast reduction I conduct is more of a breast reshaping. Through consultation with patients and based on my years of experience, I revise the breasts to a smaller size that works well with the patients’ frame.

Changes in medical insurance mean that some doctors have an incentive to surgically complete a breast reduction as quickly as possible. However, I believe that attention to detail is more important than attention to the bottom line. That’s why I take the time necessary to ensure that:

Breasts are smaller, lifted, and made less wide. A pretty shape and proportional contour are my top goals.
The results are appropriately round and shapely. Big breasts also tend to be broad, so it’s important to make them both shorter and narrower for an attractive curve.
The glandular tissue has the support it needs to prevent drooping in the future.

What you can expect with breast reduction or reshaping

Plastic Surgical Associates of Fort Collins provides an in-house suite of operating rooms. We are fully accredited by AAAASF and use only board certified anesthesiologists and ACLS licensed support staff.

Patients receive general anesthesia to stay comfortable during surgery. When I perform a breast reduction and reshaping, I do so by:

Lifting the skin and revise and repositioning the gland.
Shaping the resized breast to have a round, natural-looking contour.
Giving the breast greater support by connecting it to the stronger, deeper-level fascia.

Adding this support can keep the breast in its proper position, even when a patient is lying down. It also can provide more lift and perkiness as the patient ages.

If you are experiencing physical or personal discomfort related to your breasts, talk with Dr. Duncan about breast reduction surgery.

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