Burn fat away, and reduce stubborn cellulite

  1. Melts away stubborn fat 
  2. Targets and reduces cellulite
  3. Smooth out texturized skin and improves laxity

The first of its kind, EMTONE is the only device that targets cellulite and laxity to improve skin texture. This BTL modality uses both thermal and mechanical energy to target the dimples, breaking down the fatty tissue.


65 yo female had a combination treatment of both Emsculpt and Emtone to the abdomen. Note the reduction of dimpled skin on the upper flank area along with a visible improvement in skin laxity and texture.

“I really enjoyed the benefits to my skin from the EMTONE and felt like it left my skin looking like new. It was hot and I did have to grit my teeth a bit at points, but oh how it is worth it!! My stretch lines and cellulite disappeared and lessened significantly! I wish I could do my whole body!”  

The non-invasive HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology combined with targeted pressure energy (TPE) has been clinically demonstrated to improve skin laxity and cellulite. Up to 93% of patients in a clinical trial noticed improvement in both of these areas.

When exposed to supramaximal contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such an extreme condition. It responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and fat burning.

Emtone can help to enhance the physique, by providing:

  • A reduction in stubborn fat 
  • Improvement of skin texture including cellulite 
  • A non-invasive body contouring option 
*Video courtesy of BTL Aesthetics*

How long is treatment? What should I expect at an appointment?

Depending on the area treatment time ranges from 15-minutes to as little as 5minutes. For example, the abdomen is 15minutes, each arm is 5-minutes (10 minutes total), glutes are 9 minutes per glute.

What does it feel like?

EMTONE uses heat and targeted pressure energy as its main tools to target stubborn fat and cellulite. As such it feels like a massage hot stone that is pulsating against your skin. Depending on your sensitivity (and this varies day to day for many of our patients) it can get intense (just like a massage!) so be sure to let your provider know if you need a break. 

When can I expect to see results?

Results can be seen as early on as a week following the last treatment and up to 6 weeks after.  

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is the result of fatty tissue pushing up against connective tissue creating unwanted dimples in the skin. They can form at any age and are mainly found along the thighs and buttocks area. 

If you are interested in any of our available positions, please submit a resume and cover letter to acarpenter@drdianeduncan.com