Non-surgical and traditional surgical options give men and women seeking brow lifts a variety of choices from modest improvement to full correction.

  1. Non-surgical and traditional surgical options give men and women seeking brow lifts a variety of choices from modest improvement to full correction.
  2. Minimally invasive brow lift options include a laser lift and fat grafting – both have minimal downtime.
  3. Non-surgical improvement can also be obtained with filler injections lasting up to one year.


This 28-year-old had a sad and anxious expression since her early teens, due to the position of her eyebrows. Tight attachments to the temporal fascia and low outer brows made this appearance hard to disguise. She had a temporal brow lift with a small incision within the hairline to correct this concern. The subtle and natural-looking result is just what she was looking for in a brow lift.

Left, Patient before treatment.

Right, 6 weeks after temporal brow lift.

To view more Brow lift before and after photos, click here to visit my gallery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many women feel self-conscious about their breast size for various reasons, including genetics, changes after breastfeeding, or weight loss. At our Fort Collins center, we understand these concerns and offer breast augmentation procedures to help you achieve a fuller and more confident appearance. Dr. Duncan’s expertise in breast augmentation has transformed countless lives, and the results are truly inspiring. Our gallery of before-and-after photos showcases real patients who have embraced their new look with excitement and satisfaction.

Breast augmentation is performed on an outpatient basis at our state-licensed surgery center in Fort Collins, ensuring convenience and ease. With minimal recovery time, most women are back to their daily routines within a week. To learn more about the process and what to expect, check out our Breast Augmentation Timeline. You don’t have to be uncomfortable with your breast size or shape any longer—discover how we can help you feel confident and radiant.

I need a quick fix for an upcoming event. If I have a filler type brow lift, what is the maximum down time I can expect?

Unless you are taking blood thinners, maximum downtime might be a long weekend. There is an instant contour improvement. You may have minor bruising and swelling. This is a good option for minor asymmetry.

I'm looking for a long term change but the idea of the old style brow lift is scary. I don't want to look surprised, and I do not want a numb forehead. Options?

Above: 73 year old with asymmetry and aged skin. Below: She did not want a traditional brow lift. We combined fat transfer with a laser lift in order to give her a dramatic improvement with no skin excision.

My eyebrows are not terrible, but I'm looking for a youthful and open appearance without looking operated upon. How can I get the best result?

A temporal brow lift will give a lateral lift without creating a “surprised” appearance. If your upper lids are droopy, a simple skin excision can give you a less tired look.

Left: 49 year old felt her eyes looked tired. Right: 6 weeks post temporal brow lift and upper eyelid blepharoplasty.

I have crepey upper eyelid skin and brows that are a bit low. My budget is tight. How can I get the most bang for my buck?

You might consider a laser lift. Usually, the best benefit is achieved when the entire face and forehead is treated.

Above: 51 year old with crepey eyelids and low brows. Below: 6 weeks following erbium laser lift. No skin was removed.

This procedure has about 7-10 days of downtime, but no activity restrictions. This corrective treatment is a once in a lifetime procedure, with periodic maintenance about once a year. Because there is no incision, there is no numbness and no risk of a funny look.